

If Only I...

PAST If only I had been stronger, I wouldn’t have been damaged by the WIND. If only I had been smarter, I wouldn’t have been cheated by the CROWD. If only I had been more brave, I wouldn’t have been thought to be a SLAVE. PRESENT If only I were more fortunate, I wouldn’t drop into a CAGE. If only I were more cautious, I wouldn’t have to be sure if it’s DANGEROUS.

How to Modify Software Sources in Linux Mint

Introduction After installing Linux Mint, one of the first things you may want to do is modify your software sources. The default software sources in Linux Mint are official ones, which may take a long time to download and update packages. Therefore, it’s recommended to modify the software sources and use a mirror source that is closer to you. For Linux Mint, there are basically two ways to modify the software sources.

Attacking CentOS6 Virtual Machines

Although the penetration process is involved, this article’s main topic is not about penetration testing. Please read it with a rational mindset. The reason for writing this blog post Recently, I have been hearing different opinions on software updates. On one hand, some argue that in certain cases, updating can be counterproductive, leading to unnecessary workload or even rewriting. On the other hand, others argue that continuous updates are necessary for a better user experience.

Python Study Notes - File Operations

File Operations open open() is the key function in Python for file operations, with two parameters that need to be set: Filename - the name of the file, self-explanatory Mode - determines if the file being opened can be read/written to or has other attributes. 1 open('filename','mode') Reading Open a file in read-only mode: 1 f = open("filename.txt") This is equivalent to: 1 f = open("filename","rt") “r” indicates to read

About fcitx5, and recent environment variable issues

What happened I recently received a message like this For those who use $HOME/.pam_environment to set environment variables, take note! Due to CVE-2010-4708, pam upstream is set to not read user’s environment variable settings by default in version 1.4.0, and users are required to change their environment variable settings or restore the original default read behavior. ref: Linux environment variables how to set Evian’s Blog Why is the 10-year vulnerability only now fixed?